No Ctrl+C-The Blog for nerds and geeks who care for nothing.

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iPod version 2.. soon to be out.!!

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Apple Inc. soon after the success of iPhone has announced to launch a touch screen version of iPod.The new iPod called as iPod Touch will have a great 3.5 inch widescreen display and many more features to die for i mean buy for.
The new versions will be available in 8Gb and 16Gb of storage with a steep price tag of $299 and $399 respectively.The new version will boost itself with a Wi-Fi browser(of course a Safari Brower)and a great video player making it easy to stream videos online.

It also boosts a an Accelerometer,which helps to detect the video ratio to be played when you rotate iPod touch from portrait to landscape,this switches the iPod Touch automatically to make the necessary changes display,which makes the entire width of a web page, your music in Cover Flow, or a photo in its proper aspect ratio.

Now you can even buy music online with the online iTunes Wi-Fi music store.So more hassle connecting your iPod with your computer to get yourself updated with music.
Get some more information here.

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posted by >> @ 9/08/2007 08:43:00 PM, ,

PayPerPost!!The best earning and advertising tool.

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Yes!! you heard it right as the domain suggests the get Paid to Post.No no don't rub your eyes hard to believe this but yes as i am writing this post i am sure the moderators at payperpost would be getting ready to pay me for this post.

As I have already said about other such type of services previously,payperpost is amongst the best service available .After I joined it I was just amazed to see how easy it was to navigate and accept the offers and write for it as smoothly as possible.The interface is quite good with some decent web page created for easy accessibility.

Everything is made very simple ,earnings are displayed on the blogger dashboard after logging into payperpost. Included is the number of posts taken, number of posts approved or rejected, and how much you have been and will be paid after the posts accepted by the advertiser.

PayPerPost is always coming up with great ways to keep things interesting for bloggers. They are a great company to work with and the community is very friendly and you can be sure when you ask a question you will get answers quickly. If you are looking for a way to take your blogging to new levels, and some money. Then this blog marketing technique will help you do some more profit.The sign-up process is very simple and it is easy to configure your blog and as soon as your blog is accepted you can start using the service and start earning.
It duly helps in traffic generation as sponsored posts have good amount of CTR and who doesn't search for online money making in search engines??


posted by >> @ 9/08/2007 08:23:00 PM, ,

Virtual Credit Card!!

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Ya you are reading absolutely correct,if you are a great player in Second Life.Then this post will not only impress you but will surely help you get more benefits inside the game.

The First Meta Card service provides you with a virtual Credit Card with the L$ .This means you can buy whatever you want,inside the game without having having hassles of L$ and pay it later.The best thing is L$ shortage doesn't affect you in the game,and later you can repay them in L$ which is quite tricky,this means if you don't have a legitimate job or something to repay then its really hard.

The payments is for Meta Card can be done in ATMs in almost all parts of the world,this means you easy to pay your bills.

I know this means no more "No Currency" pop-ups in the game.But if you won't be able to pay them back in real life get ready to get some legal actions against you.


posted by >> @ 9/07/2007 07:30:00 PM, ,

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